Beloved Sage is a handmade item that includes Sage, White Sage, 7 Chakra Sage, & Incense.
Burning Sage or as some will call it "smudging" is an ancient spiritual ritual.
Smudging has been well established as a Native American cultural or tribal practice,
although it isn't practiced by all groups.
Benefits of Burning Sage
- Improving intuition.
- Will be purifying.
- It may help relieve the symptoms of some conditions.
- It can be a spiritual tool.
- It may help dispel negative energy.
- It can cleanse or empower specific objects.
- Removing bacteria from the air.
- Repelling insects.
- Purifying specific objects.
- Improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety.
- Better night's sleep.
Cleanse your space and fill it with joy & love.
When burned, the smoke of natural incense is said to rid negative energy, cleanse your soul, banish spirits, invite protection, rid bacteria & more.
Burn tip for a few seconds or until you get good smoke going. Wave the smoke over yourself, an object, or a person. Trace your doorways with the smoke to rid negativity from entering them. Take a deep breath & count to 3 if you're having a bad day & let these tools take over.